Cross-border e-commerce is a business model that allows businesses to sell products and services across national borders through the internet. It has become increasingly popular in recent years, as it allows businesses to expand their customer base beyond their domestic markets and access new markets with lower barriers to entry.So, what is the English name for cross-border e-commerce? The most commonly used term is simply “cross-border e-commerce,” which refers to the practice of buying and selling goods and services between different countries using the internet. Other terms that are sometimes used include “global e-commerce,” “international e-commerce,” and “borderless e-commerce.”While there are variations in the terminology used to describe this type of business, the underlying concept remains the same: selling products and services online to customers in other countries. In order to do this effectively, businesses must navigate a complex web of regulations, trade agreements, and logistical challenges. However, the potential rewards make it a worthwhile endeavor for many companies.In summary, while there are different names for cross-border e-commerce in English, the most commonly used term is simply “cross-border e-commerce.” It’s a growing trend in international trade that offers companies new opportunities to expand their businesses and reach customers in new markets around the world.。